general fire safety instructions accessible by QR-code and NFX 08-070 | consign© marcal
general fire safety instructions accessible by QR-code and NFX 08-070 | consign© marcal

The general safety instructions in case of fire Consign© marcal gathers useful information to alert and evacuate in the event of a fire. To improve the accessibility and understanding of information, a Quick Response Code (QR-Code) vocalises the instructions (via smartphone) directly to the user in their original language. Using the smartphone's voice synthesizer reads instructions to the blind people. The accessibility of general fire safety instructions is thus improved.

These instructions comply with standards NFX 08-070 and NF EN ISO 7010.
These safety instructions can be fixed to the wall by gluing and / or by mechanical fixing.
These safety instructions will be placed in the building in coherence with the rest of the fire safety elements (evacuation plan, intervention plan, fire-fighting equipment, emergency exit, refuge space ...).

general safety instructions in the event of fire NFX 08-070 accessible by QR code | consign© marcal
red fire safety instruction plate accessible by QR code in diferents in different languages, NFX 08-070 | consign© marcal

consign | design marcal

aluminium: thermolaquage rouge sécurité RAL 3001
powder coating safety red, lacado epoxi rojo seguridad,
epoxy roso sicurezza, gemalte sicherheit rote epoxy,
ألومنيوم مطلي بالايبوكسي لون السلامة الأحمر

Norme NF X 08-070
Norme internationale ISO 7010

technical description
The support is composed of the following elements:
A 2,5mm aluminum plate powder coated RAL 3001 (safety red).
A white silkscreen printing with the text of the safety instructions according to standard NF X08-070.
A Quick Response Code (QR-Code) which voices the instructions (via smartphone) directly to the user in their original language.
Using the smartphone's voice synthesizer reads instructions to the visually impaired people.
The support has two countersunk holes so that it can be fixed using two countersunk screws.
Complies with standards NFX 08-070 and NF EN ISO 7010.

Format: 270x135x2.5mm.


1 | start the camera in your mobile phone
2 | scan the QR Code on CONSIGN
3 | get the fire instructions in different languages

QR code reader for reading fire safety instructions | consign© marcal
scan of the QR code to view the content of the fire safety instructions | consign© marcal
choice of language for fire safety instructions for universal accessibility | consign© marcal
consign© - marcal 2023 | copy is prohibited, all rights reserved
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